“Change is never easy, and it often creates discord, but when people come together for the good of humanity and the Earth, we can accomplish great things.”
The Arts and Science Undergraduate Society (ASUS) recognizes that the climate crisis is a serious and complicated issue that will require a combination of behavioural change and technological solutions to resolve.
“ASUS recognizes our responsibility to generate institutional change that reduces our environmental impact. While individual actions are incredibly valuable in the environmental movement, it is equally important to be aware of the disproportionate impact of institutions on the environment and their consequential responsibility to change industry standards. Not only does ASUS hope to inspire students to individually change their lifestyle and consumption habits, but also our goal is to work as a collective society to advocate for needed systemic change.”

The purpose of the ASUS Environmental Action Plan is to outline the society-wide changes that will occur for both internal and external ASUS operations to reduce the society’s overall environmental impact.
By examining our internal and external operations, we have explored opportunities for us to make tangible reductions in the materials used and the emissions associated with various projects and daily operations.
Our goal is to encourage students to start the process of learning and unlearning so that everyone feels inspired, both during and after university, to change individual habits and advocate for positive, systemic change.
After a foundational year, ASUS is excited to continue searching for opportunities to advocate for systemic change on campus. We look forward to bringing advocacy concerns to the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Queen’s Student Environmental Coalition
The current Executive, Equity Commissioner, and Sustainability Director will work alongside the Incoming Executive Team to implement their new ideas and ensure re-assessment that generates constant improvement and execution of the goals outlined in this plan.
With topics focusing on individual changes, collective household action, and broader systemic issues, these posters provide an educational foundation for students who are interested in learning more about the climate crisis.

Poster designs by Kaitlin Tunks, Kayla Melbourne, and Caitlin Hayes.
Special thanks to Caitlin Hayes, ASUS’ inaugural Sustainability Director, for all of her leadership on the first ASUS Environmental Action Plan.
Contact Caitlin with any questions, comments, or feedback!

All goals surrounding sustainability within ASUS strive to follow the recommendations from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, where possible.
“In September 2015, the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Building on the principle of “leaving no one behind”, the new Agenda emphasizes a holistic approach to achieving sustainable development for all.”
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All questions submitted to this form will be sent to the ASUS Sustainability Director, Caitlin Hayes at sustainability@asus.queensu.ca.