Privacy Statement
The Arts & Science Undergraduate Society collects personal information in partnership with Queen’s University, the Office of the University Registrar (OUR), and in accordance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). The information collected and stored by the Arts & Science Undergraduate Society only collects and stores personal information that is necessary for it to administer its programs and functions. The personal information is used by the employees of the Arts & Science Undergraduate Society to carry out their duties for the purposes for which it was collected or for a consistent purpose. Personal information is retained only as long as is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it is collected. The Arts & Science Undergraduate Society has in place mechanisms and practices to protect the security of the personal information it collects.
"Personal Information" is defined in FIPPA as recorded information about an identifiable individual. An individual's personal information includes information regarding his or her race, gender, home address, medical history, education history, identifying numbers (e.g. SIN, employee number, student number, etc.), financial or employment information, personal opinions, completed assignments and exams, and grades, comments and evaluations provided by an instructor.
If you have a concern about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information at the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society, please contact the ASUS President at president@asus.queensu.ca.
The most common purpose for collecting information is to administer ASUS elections. Essential to the effective organization and legitimacy of these elections is an Arts and Science master list that includes the name, student number, email address and academic program of all students in the Faculty. These lists are cross-referenced to ensure that students who sign nomination packages and vote in elections are eligible to do so. Other information may be infrequently requested on an ad hoc basis from time to time. The standard mode by which we collect information from the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) is via encrypted data files sent by email.
Collected information is limited to the access of six people within the Society: The President, Vice-President of Society Affairs, Vice-President of Operations, Governance Officer, Human Resources Officer and Academics Commissioner. The Human Resources Officer oversees all ASUS volunteers, the Governance Officer is responsible for the oversight of all ASUS elections and referenda, while the Academics Commissioner organizes and regulates the 30 Department Student Council elections. The President and Vice-Presidents both play an advisory and support role throughout the entirety of the society, as well as the elections process, hence the need for them to have access to data.
All files distributed with student information sent by the OUR to ASUS are password protected. By only distributing the password of the file(s) to the six authorized position holders, access to the password will be consistently maintained and not shared with anyone else.
Information received from the OUR will only be retained so long as the data remains necessary for the purpose that it was originally requested for, up to a maximum of one academic year. Once that purpose has elapsed, the information will be securely destroyed by deleting it from the email account, computer and any backups (if applicable). Notification of completion of secure deletion will be sent from the ASUS President to the OUR.