Financial Assistance Fund
The Financial Assistance Fund exists to remove financial barriers which may impede on students’ ability to participate in our learning opportunities, traditions, events, initiatives, and more. The Financial Assistance Fund provides financial bursaries to undergraduate Arts and Science Students that are seeking to positive impact their own university experience and in accordance with ASUS’ mission statement.
At ASUS, we are dedicated to removing financial barriers which may impede on students' ability to participate in our learning opportunities, traditions, and events. Please fill out the following form, and indicate what you require financial aid for (i.e. jackets, formal, etc.).
The personal information on this form is collected for the sole purpose of selecting recipients for financial assistance. It will be viewed only by the ASUS Vice President and the ASUS Financial Assistance Granting Committee. All information is collected in accordance with the ASUS privacy and information collection policies.
Please note that financial aid is only provided by ASUS for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Arts and Science.
Financial Aid will be assessed by the ASUS Advisory Board granting committee for jackets, and by the ASUS Vice President (Operations) for other requests. The following criteria will be considered:
The degree to which an individual student will benefit from the initiative;
The quality and effort put into the application;
Demonstration of financial need;
Justification for financial assistance deservedness; and
Desire to participate in the application reasoning.
Please note that while every effort will be made to accommodate every request for financial aid, not every application may be granted. You will be contacted about the status of your application as soon as the granting committee has assessed it.
If you have any questions on financial assistance offered by ASUS, please contact the ASUS Vice President (Operations) at vpops@asus.queensu.ca. We are happy to answer any inquiries or guide you through the process!