


Giulia Iacobucci


The Academics Commission works towards fostering a positive academic experience for the society both inside and outside of the classroom. With a wide range of student lead initiatives, the commission aims at providing academic supports, enhancing the academic experience and providing additional opportunities to expand on your degree. Through the Department Student Councils, academic journals, teaching awards, and student advocacy, the commission takes a holistic approach to fulfilling the academic needs of Arts and Science Students.  

Academics Office Hours

MON: 9:00AM - 11:00AM
TUES: 9:00AM - 2:00PM
WED: 9:00AM - 11:00AM
THURS: 12:00PM - 2:00PM
FRI: 9:00AM - 1:00PM

Teaching Awards

Do you have a professor who goes above and beyond? A TA who has enhanced your online learning experience? Take a moment to nominate them for a teaching award today! Winter Nominations for WJ Barnes Award and the TA Excellence Award now open!



Academic Advocacy: The academic commissioner is here to advocate for the concerns, worries and thoughts of students. If you have questions regarding academic processes, changes you would like to see occur within your academic experience as an Arts and Science students or any additional academic supports, please feel free to the reach out to the academics commissioner. The Commissioner can provide you with advice, answer your questions, and direct you to additional resources. 

Department Student Councils

Every department within the Faculty of Arts and Science has a Departmental Student Council (DSC) which aims to bridge the gap between departments and students. In addition to the events and services that many DSC’s plan and provide, they also serve an important advocacy function on campus, working alongside the Commissioner to address a variety of student concerns.  




Politicus Journal is an undergraduate research journal at Queen’s University that focuses on political and international affairs. Politicus provides publishing opportunities for undergraduates as well as hosting a variety of events aimed at stimulating political discussion and engaging with academia. 

Queen’s Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies

The Queen’s Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies (QJERS) aims to foster conversations relating to settler colonialism, systems of oppression that communities of colour face, and explore the field of intersectionality in relation to race. Through their annual publication and events, QJERS will encourage Arts and Science students to engage with ethnic and racial topics that will enhance their academic perspectives.

Queen’s Science Undergraduate Research Journal

The Queen’s Science Undergraduate Research Journal (QSURJ) is an online peer-reviewed and faculty-reviewed undergraduate research journal that gives a platform to academic literature. QSURJ accepts a range of academic work including original research as well as review articles. In addition to publishing annually, they also host events centered around scientific professional development, academic research and the over-arching science community.  

Undergraduate Review Journal

Founded in 1987 as the university’s first arts serial, the Undergraduate Review started out publishing essays from students within the Arts & Science Community. The Undergraduate Review (UR) remains one of the key focal points of artistic expression at Queen's. Annually their team produces an annual zine of the best visual art, photography, short stories, poetry, plays, critical essays, and more to produce a yearly publication—from start to finish this team is a great resource that seeks to cultivate Queen’s artistic community.

Academic Supports

ASUS Review

ASUS Review is a service that provides accessible and affordable review sessions during exam seasons to help support students through their courses. Founded on academic integrity and breaking down cram culture, ASUS Review charges $5.00 per review session which includes an interactive presentation with the course developers and the review booklet.  

ASUS Teaching Awards

ASUS has two teaching awards that focus on recognizing the amazing work being done in teaching at Queen’s:

  1. The W.J. Barnes Award for professors

  2. The Teaching Assistant Excellence Award for T.A’s.

These awards are presented annually to one exceptional professor and teaching assistant within the Faculty of Arts and Science. Students can easily complete the form and nominate staff that has gone above and beyond for this prestigious award.