The Governance Office is responsible for looking after the internal administration of ASUS. The Office serves as a resource for the governing bodies of ASUS and Department Student Councils. We’re also responsible for ASUS Elections! More information on those is below.
Governance Office Hours
MON: 10:30AM-2PM TUES: 9:00AM - 1:00PM
WED: 9:00AM - 10:30AM
THURS: 1:00PM - 4:00PM FRIDAY: 11:00AM - 2:00PM
ASUS Assembly Dates 2024-2025
September 18th
7:00 pm
Kingston Hall Reflection Room
October 23rd
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
November 20th
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
December 4th
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
January 15th
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
February 12th
7:00 pm
Dunning 27
March 12th
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
April 2nd
7:00 pm
Dunning 12
Gain experience in politics and internal affairs by running an election, or running in it! Email any questions to cro@asus.queensu.ca!
View the Elections and Referenda Policy Manual here
January Elections Timeline:
January 13th-19th - Nomination Period
January 20th-21st - Verification Period
January 22nd-28th - Campaign Period
January 29th-30th - Voting Days

Common Policy Links
The officer oversees the smooth running of the ASUS assembly by supervising the meeting agenda and minutes, updating the Policy Manual and Constitution and addressing and concerns of a breach in Policy or Constitution.
Advisory Board
The ASUS Advisory Board oversees the Society’s long term strategic planning and ensures fiscal sustainability. There are seven voting members of the Board, including the ASUS President and Vice-President. Directors on the Board are also tasked with critically assessing Council’s strategic plans and the Society general budget.
Email board@asus.queensu.ca
So You Wanna Run in an Election - Executive Edition!
Missed our event on December 1st? Watch the recording to see what you missed at our Executive Edition of “So You Wanna Run in an Election?” for some advice from past and present ASUS Executive!
A more centralized information location where ASUS students can access ASUS history, both recent and not so recent. This will include brochures, media, publications, initiatives and timelines.
Email archives@asus.queensu.ca