We’re Hiring!
We offer over a thousand volunteer opportunities for students at ASUS, from organizing conferences to promoting equity on campus, getting involved is a great way to supplement your academic year while building upon your talents. During your time volunteering with ASUS, we put your professional development and volunteer experience first.
If you are interested in applying for a position, or would like to know more information please feel free to contact our Human Resources Officer, at hro@asus.queensu.ca.

Did you miss our hiring fair?
Check out the recording to find out more about how you can get involved next year!
Find what interests you by using these timestamps:
Executive Portfolio: 00:00:00
Community Outreach Commission: 00:12:29
Services Commission: 00:27:39
Academics Commission: 00:47:00
Equity Commission: 01:01:06
Governance Office: 01:08:39
Marketing Office: 01:22:12
Human Resources Office: 01:31:06